After every long Canadian winter, “mild” or not, there are few weekends so celebrated as the wonderful Victoria Day holiday that falls sometimes near and sometimes not so near the 24th of May.
I think back to when we were in our late teens and early 20’s, going camping on the Victoria Day weekend was mandatory to continue to be part of the funky bunch. LOL
Over the lifetimes of many a red blooded Canadian there are May 24th’s that were cold and soggy, crisp and sunny, downright shitty and windy and cold, and ones where the water in the camping dishes was frozen when we rolled out of the tent in our winter coats and mitts.
We are a hearty bunch, and determined to mark Victoria Day as the beginning of our short Canadian summer…even if it means camping in the most unfriendly conditions, it gives us a story to tell. And I have many of those.
One image that is forever in my mind is a photo of my 18 year old sister Dawn, on a cold rainy May 24th weekend, standing against the grey sky, her clothes hanging with moisture, her wet muddy pants rolled up much too late, holding my then baby niece Reena over her head. The trees in the background were still winter bare, the horizon dismal, but there is this young woman in this joyous stance, holding this child up to the sky, and over head, an arcing rainbow appears with no sign of sun to create it.
I love that picture, and the symbolism I see there. That conditions will be what they will be, but in the heart of an courageous optimist, very little can dampen the spirit and the opportunity for gratitude is always there.
This year we were blessed with a day that felt like June, gentle breeze, first little sunburn of the year, we sang and danced, ate and drank, laughed and loved and lived it up with family, friends and neighbors…like we were in some great beer commercial!
And so it begins, the Canadian celebration of warmth, and bright mornings and starry nights and long days. Bring it on, Im cherishing every single moment of every day.
Happy Victoria Day, Happy Canadian PreSummer, Happy Tuesday. I hope everyone had a wonderful, WARM SUNNY FANTASTIC Victoria Day weekend like I did!
Hail to the Queen Victoria!!