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Guatemala Fundraiser a Loving Success!

On Saturday May 14th, I had the privilege of guiding an artistic event with proceeds going to the Guatemala Women’s Wellness Mission.

What a wonderful experience, combining charity and service with art and socializing.

Leslie Crawford and the Guacamole Girls (10 Brantford women heading to Guatemala to provide women there with PAP testing in July)  hosted an event to remember from the spacious events centre at the YES Church in Brantford.

The event included a South American luncheon, World Music, and an Ancestry Art guided art program with the project being the painting of “A Mothers Wish”

I am so grateful to have shared in this happening.

The women involved and who attended were all so positive and thankful…not to mention VERY artistic!  It was truly an honor to be in the company of such people, who are beaming with happiness to be involved in this project in one way or another, carrying out this labour of love with such enthusiasm and excitement.

Les Crawford and Anne Dyer put love into every part of the event, that could surely be felt the moment one entered the room.

To everyone who came out and made this day a special one, and a special thank you to my  lovely assistant’s Patty Faragalli and Janet Forfar, who volunteered their help and drove from Port Dalhousie to donate their time making sure that all of the artists had everything they needed, I say “Mucho Gracias Amiga’s.

Good People Doing Good Things!GG18 2016-03-15 Receipts 2015etc 016 GG19 GG10 DSCN1380 DSCN1379

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