Although every day and every moment, we are presented with the opportunity for a new beginning, the coming of a new year seems particularly inviting to start fresh.
Maybe a new healthy eating plan, a promise to connect with family or friends more often, take up photography, learn Spanish.
Sometimes we forget, or we lose confidence, or, we think it is too late, or a hundred other reasons creep in, that tell us why we are better off not starting something new or doing something we have not done, or embarking on an adventure, or taking a chance on a new love affair or making new friends.
It is never too late to set sail on the continuing journey into the ever changing and fascinating world of who we are and what makes us feel most alive.
With desire and belief, all things are possible. We are born to create, in every sense of the word. Create and reinvent ourselves, create our environment, our relationships, our style, our life. With each choice to say yes to life’s discoveries, we create our reality, born of the courage to expand and grow.
With the right attitude, the right questions posed, and the right environment, you can unearth beautiful and exciting parts of your creative self that were lying under the dust of the years gone by. Passions long let go, dreams we stopped dreaming, visions that lost focus.
I challenge myself, and encourage you, in 2017, to try something new. Take a day each month, or 2 hours a week, or 15 minutes a day to give yourself something good, something rich and inspiring, something that stirs the excited child within who waits to explore the wonders left undiscovered or discarded in this life.
It does not need to cost anything, just say yes to capturing the extraordinary in ordinary moments as often as possible. From there your life will expand rather than contract. It can be a simple as really listening to people, there is so much to learn from listening, or sending a card to someone for no reason, observing the interactions of the birds that gather in your backyard, or accepting an invitation when you would rather sit home and watch TV. Instead, sing , dance, create, celebrate being alive another day!! There is magic in the word yes. And we have a whole 363 days left to say yes!
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