Its something that puzzles me, when I hear people speak of karma like it is the revenge the universe… where the forces that be “teach you a lesson”
Karma is the simple and universal law of cause and effect. Many people talk of karma as if it is something to be afraid of …like the all seeing, judging and vengeful god we have been told to fear and obey.
To me, karma is the peace and beauty that comes to a life that is lived truly, one where opportunities and blessings are recognized with gratitude, rather than analyzed in fearful ways as to what others may think or what could result if things don’t go according to the easiest plan.
Universal laws do not fall under the constraints of society or religion, but according to the personal set of golden rules that we each must customize to our individual human experience. Living true to our best life opens and expands the invisible flow of all that is possible. Helping in our own way brings about reciprocal action from all around us. It is not mystical, it just is.
Karma does not adhere to the rules of religion or politics, a child who takes money from a church collection plate in order to get food for his hungry sisters and brothers, is at once holier than the person who put that money into the collection plate if their intention was to show others just how fat their envelope could be and look down upon those who deposit the thin envelopes.
There are no hard and fast rules, just the simplicity of living life with the intention of hurting no one, yet moving forward with compassion and acceptance of the effects that our choices have on others. A deep knowing that what you are doing is right, according to your inner voice, will bring the gifts of karma, and eliminate the need for the words, – sin, wrong, right, and should. We are all divine, good, bad, weak, strong, none better than the other, all divinely ordered in imperfect perfection to teach each other and ourselves the wisdom of the ages.
Lessons and progressions are all there is. Either we are in the process of learning truth and gaining wisdom, (sometimes repeating the same lessons over and over and over…) or we are progressing to yet another level of truth and wisdom to begin anew the process of unearthly evolution. As the Zen master says, “Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen to the voice within.”…it is all good…or as the Sheepdogs put it “the way it is, is the way it is.”