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Life is a Carnival

Ever feel like things just work out so perfectly? Ever throw some ingredients together and have a perfect meal come out of it unexpectedly?  Or toss on a dress that you’ve worn dozens of times before but all of a sudden everyone is telling you how great your outfit is? Or maybe put out some casual invites and have a happening come off so amazingly that in the middle of it you look around and just have to smile and shake your head at the beauty of it all?

I have that happen all the time, not sure why, maybe it is my lack of expectations, maybe just sweet luck, but it was a HUGE smile this past weekend when the Boho Studio was filled with such good vibes, such beautiful souls, such beloved voices singing, people from 9 to 90 dancing in the back parking lot, music and laughter, everyone enjoying the smells and the tastes of the bounty of Lake Erie perch, a top notch Karaoke station fit for a grand festival, the easy and open conversations of friends and strangers together, sunshine pouring over the whole scene…just a total head shaking grin making experience!!

It is moments like this that I wish I could freeze time, and linger there forever after. It  is days like this  that  make me feel like I have been so blessed beyond belief that if I never had another day I would and should be happy and satisfied.

But time moves on, and the sun goes down on another glorious day of celebrating life and being grateful for it all. Another beautiful memory, another great story. And time was frozen in the camera lense, and the blessings bestowed and received, leaving me still shaking my head at  how wonderful life is and wondering how we can ever top that one!

Next “life is a carnival day” is in the works!!  May 28th…Opening of the there or be square brothers and sisters! Lets max it out!IMG_5701






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